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2008-10-01 19:07:34
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Gods Little Haters




[snowwolfsa] Temp until Dead returns


[Angelic nightmares]




[Diiwica]/[de Morte]

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<img10*0:>1. All members(Besides the owners)will be deleted if they do not post multiple messages...and if we dont like them.

<img10*0:>2. If you want to join, just ask... We been having some problems with christians trying to force their thoughts on our wiki..and so we made a password.
About Joining, just send a message to either the owner, Admin, or Sheriff{s} and we'll gladly add you.

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<img10*0:> 4. If you see a member with a '*' next to their name, do not argue with them, they are basically Sheriffs.. and they will report you to me.

<img:>For all those who look down on Christianity, and the rest of those BIG religions. We here at 'Gods Little Haters,' see how the world uses these religions to force their influence on other people.

Here are some topics to help you along:

1. Religious wars - Almost every war is started over some stupid conflict with God or Allah.

2. Puritans - Why do these fuckers have to always try to scare us into their Religion? If people didn't convert, they press, drown, or burn them at the stake.

3. Our religions - Are our religions more reasonable?

4. History - The history of religions and the conflicts between them.

This is our Kindling for the fire..

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Now discuss!

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2008-12-11 [Raven Song]: Haha... trip on X a lot?

2008-12-11 [Diiwica]: More like Candy Flippin but those days are long since passed

2008-12-11 [Raven Song]: Haven't heard that term in a long time.

2008-12-11 [Diiwica]: Haha, like i said LONG time passed

2008-12-11 [dead~spirit]: Concentrate my pety followers...who would you fight...

2008-12-11 [Diiwica]: Oui boy watch your tounge LOL

2008-12-11 [Raven Song]: *glare* .... good question Dead.. do I only have to pick one person?

2008-12-11 [snowwolfsa]: yes one person

2008-12-11 [Diiwica]: I;; think about that and answer it later

2008-12-11 [dead~spirit]: I would like to fight Tarkis Nethermoon, last time all three of us fought it was a blast. the next morning we were all buised up and aching and swollen great times.

2008-12-11 [snowwolfsa]: LMAO, wow i remember that... god my leg hurt for a week, but it was fun as hell

2008-12-11 [Raven Song]: I think I'd like to fight myself.

2008-12-11 [dead~spirit]: Yea my elbow was fucked for that month..three way fights kick ass..Tarkis how is your shoulder from that fight? lmao!!

2008-12-11 [snowwolfsa]: I think if i had to fight someone it be someone like Jet Li, yes i know he would wipe the floor with me, and that is exactly why. i also would want more the one chance, several actually, what better way to see what you can do, and learn from it, then fighting an opponent who is stronger then you. I believe if u must fight, then u should be able to learn from it. Whats the point of fighting someone weaker then yourself? what does that prove? nothing...

2008-12-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: It proves I can beat up Calissa Flockhart.

True, that was a lot of fun, [dead~spirit], but the point that we can't test ourselves to satisfaction was brought up back then; similar to what [snowwolfsa] is saying. Which is why I keep suggesting picking fights at a bar or club. We get the satisfaction of fighting as hard as we want, the experience that comes from realism, and the ability to say after: "Damn, you got the shit kicked out of you."

I don't remember a shoulder wound. The worst thing I remember from our last fight was you kneeing me in the thigh. Gee, damn. I found out why Football players wear thigh protectors, even though that's probably one of the most padded parts of the body..

2008-12-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: By the way: 4:10 PM Saturday. Gee, gee

2008-12-12 [Diiwica]: ya know, I think I'd like to fight dead. it would be a worthy and interesting fight.

2008-12-15 [snowwolfsa]: lol..

2008-12-17 [Raven Song]: Hmm...I figured more people would ask why I would fight myself eh..

Dead looks like he can put up a fight.. might be interesting.

2008-12-17 [dead~spirit]: Snowolf I want a mouth guard for christmas i might need it, looks like the whole wiki is going to be lining up to fight me now.

2008-12-17 [Raven Song]: Haha not what I meant man, I just think from the story's I've heard and your build that you can hold your own.

2008-12-17 [snowwolfsa]: lol

2008-12-17 [Diiwica]: I chance my answer to a rabid tiger... more interesting. I'm not looking for a fight with words. and apparently thats all I get here anyway. I'd have more luck finding a ravid tiger anyway. Pupets are no fun

2008-12-17 [Raven Song]: ....?

2008-12-17 [The Voice of Difference]: I think Diiwika means, 'rabid tiger.'

2008-12-18 [Raven Song]: Yeah I got that, the rest is a big cloudy. eh.

2008-12-18 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I think.

2008-12-18 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: hahahahah jkjkjk

2008-12-18 [The Voice of Difference]: Shut up, Tarkis, you're silly.

2008-12-18 [Diiwica]: In that I mean its no fun fighting people who think on a strict base. From all that I’ve known about Dead so far he works off of habit, and a person who works of habbit fights in habbit as well. To me that would be of no true fun, thus how a rabid tiger would be more apeasing. They are animals of instince and less of habbit than need.

The last person I truely fought... well there is still a court case of that. But case standing... I want someone who will provide a decent fight.

2008-12-18 [Raven Song]: I'll fight you.

2008-12-18 [Xorital]: Lets stop talking about fighting >.> What is everyone up to? I don't seem to comment much.

2008-12-19 [snowwolfsa]: lol "a person who works off of habit, fights in habit as well" wow, do you even know what your talking about? or do you make it up as you go along? as for dead, you obviously dont know him as well as you think you do. about the only thing that made sence in what you said, is you would rather fight someone who provides a decent fight. best you dont fight dead then, be pretty boreing for you to be in a fight that only last a few seconds.

2008-12-19 [dead~spirit]: Xorital!!!! I haven't seen you in forever!!

2008-12-19 [Raven Song]: Shit anyone else get over a foot of snow? Its up to my damn knees and I might not make it to work >.>;

2008-12-19 [Xorital]: I was busy with school. Since I have finaly graduated I can turn my attention to other things :)

2008-12-19 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Like spelunking.

(Silly like a tiger.)

2008-12-20 [dead~spirit]: Cave diving Mr. Wayne?

2008-12-20 [Diiwica]: Apparently I don't but I don't care to worry about it too much anyway.

We got about 2 foot. Its funny, my little brother was bitching because he had to shovel a small but

2008-12-25 [dead~spirit]: I fucking just realized how much I hate christmas.

2008-12-25 [Raven Song]: Why?

2008-12-25 [Mortified Penguin]: Because you're a godless heathen who can't stand to see happiness in others?

2008-12-25 [dead~spirit]: Thats exactly it.

2008-12-26 [Mortified Penguin]: Of course... I can sympathize. I may not be godless, but happiness is quite irritating. Damn children with their joyous screams...

2008-12-27 [dead~spirit]: Damn them all.

2008-12-29 [Diiwica]: Don't worry, Christmas is the worse holiday ever. To be honest, it should be abolished because its pointless. Its just a hallmark holiday that forces the masses to go out and buy things that we don't need. It also forces us to loot to a fake god, and give him thanks for shit that he doesn't even do.

All people do is go out and go buy things, its stupid.

2008-12-29 [princess_ of _darkness]: actually x-mas started off as a pagan holiday but a christian scholor came across it being around jesus's b-day and so the christians adopted it and they named it christmas........

just another reason to turn against religion
{sighs and goes back to sleep}

2008-12-29 [Diiwica]: I know what it came from... I wrote a huge 30 page paper on it my 11 grade year for my English 11honers class

2008-12-30 [princess_ of _darkness]: same here...i regreted that class though...{yawns} well im off to work

bye bye ^_^

2008-12-30 [Raven Song]: Just got home from work :P

2008-12-30 [dead~spirit]: Everyone here needs to sell me their souls to make me more powerful, so hop to it.

2008-12-30 [Diiwica]: No

2008-12-30 [Raven Song]: Sorry bro, sold mine a long time ago

2008-12-31 [de Morte]: Mine is hidden away...

2008-12-31 [dead~spirit]: WTB soul shards, so I can teleport to friends houses.

2009-01-01 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Wolves don't have souls. That limits some of the potential.

2009-01-03 [The Voice of Difference]: I offer soul protection services if anyone is interested.

2009-01-05 [Diiwica]: I have pleanty of that too, ;)

2009-01-05 [The Voice of Difference]: If you say so, my company is the premier interest when it comes to soul protection though.

2009-01-05 [Diiwica]: I've got fenier and raven for that too. And they got me.

2009-01-05 [Raven Song]: ^.^ Never need anything else.

2009-01-06 [snowwolfsa]: I got my 9mm, I'm set....but of course i know deads got my back as well.

2009-01-06 [de Morte]: Plenty of weapons at my place, I'd be scared to count... not really, but you get the picture... rifles, pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, knifes, brass knuckles...

2009-01-06 [snowwolfsa]: lmao sounds like deads place, pretty much the safest house in my city.

2009-01-06 [Diiwica]: Sounds like my moms and my grandmas places

2009-01-06 [de Morte]: Well my house has all the weapons, and my boyfriend's has some weapons and a generator and a shitload of supplies "just in case" combine that and we could get through just about anything... although we'd have to decide which house to bring the stuff to...

2009-01-06 [snowwolfsa]: anything huh? i dont think your ready for zombies...or what about that virus from "i am legend"... that fucking thing would F u up, chances of you being one of the immune are very slim... and if you are...dont fall asleep

2009-01-06 [de Morte]: Scoped out places for zombie stuff and I have yet to see that movie...

2009-01-06 [snowwolfsa]: watch it, it was awesome

2009-01-06 [de Morte]: I want to, but I don't want to rent it, so I'm waiting for other people...*lazy*

2009-01-07 [The Voice of Difference]: It has nothing to do with weapons. It's about security.

2009-01-08 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: RIBBLE RABBLE ROBBLE

2009-01-08 [The Voice of Difference]: REBEL?

2009-01-09 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Fucking, no.

0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...


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2009-01-09 [Diiwica]: If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

2009-01-09 [Raven Song]: Is that why we *instinctively* fear the unknown?

2009-01-09 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: “One of these days, [Diiwica]. Pow! Right in the kisser!”
" Bang, zoom, straight to the moon!" [Diiwica]
HAHA, just kidding ! ! ! !
  (I am)      (JOSHING)

               But seriously.

2009-01-10 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Boom. Headshot.

WaffleDelux: Sorry. Wrong number.
Snowolf: i dont care i fucking hung up on you anyway
WaffleDelux: Oh. I hung up, I thought.
Snowolf: no
Snowolf: i did
Snowolf: stupid
WaffleDelux: Your connection is probably faster, so I believ eit.
Snowolf: pay attention
Snowolf: and your in the airforce?

2009-01-10 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Ash:Well, seems fairly obvious. <Ash
reaches for the book> Whoa. Wait a minute. The words. Right,
right, right. Say the words. Clatto! Verata! Nn... <pause>
Necktie, necturn, nickle... noodle. It's an 'n' word. It's
definitely an 'n' word. <revelation!> It was definatly an 'n' word!
<Ash ponders, idea!> Clatto! Verata! Nn(coughcough). <Ash pauses>
Okay then. That's it. <picks up the Necronomicon>
<the earth begins to rumble>

2009-01-10 [The Voice of Difference]: Quit it, that was a horrible movie.

2009-01-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I don't understand why they would redubb all the sound. I'm going to assume that was for a shitty High School project. For the record, that is not represented of the actual movie, "Collateral."

I know you don't mean that, Voice. What was wrong with it?

I recently found that, like He-Man, I have the power. Unlike He-Man, my power is limited to capturing specific frames from any type of video. I can see the advantages it will give me in my pursuit of decent profile pictures.

2009-01-12 [The Voice of Difference]: Have you ever seen it? It was horrible. At least by today standards. Even then it was crap. It was just a bunch of masculine one-liners and an idiot with a gun. And a chainsaw hand. Okay, the chainsaw was cool, but a bad opening.

2009-01-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I was working at Blockbuster about the time the song "Rockstar" by Nickelback started airing on the radio. There was this kid, Well, more like guy, who I was working alongside one day while we were doing an after hours inventory. 'Ah do believe we were in the candy section when the song came on. He said something like this to me: "Man, I hate this song so bad." At the time, that was one of my favorite songs. Surprised, I asked him why he didn't like it. He said something like this: "Are you kidding? Listen to the guy! All there is to the song is him bragging!" I momentarily put on my thinking face for his benefit, then I said I had not really thought of it that way, and that he was right. Shortly thereafter I put him on my personal retard list and didn't bother striking up conversation with him again. He was fired about a month later.

2009-01-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: My point is that you have to do a 'bit of reading between the lines. Though not quite as overt as that song, the movie is borderline satirical. At the very least, you can consider it facetious.

The absurdity of it is what makes it so entertaining and amusing. Of course, you already know that. I think you'd just prefer to dismiss it as uncomfortable. Christ, you sound like my Dad..

2009-01-12 [The Voice of Difference]: Naw, I watch it all the time, and it is funny. In fact, I believe it was made to be bad.

But it's still horrible.

2009-01-13 [Diiwica]: Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.

2009-01-13 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: What the fuck. [The Voice of Difference], tell me what I'm supposed to take from those three minutes. Not only could I not understand those.. Those animated gerbils, but - No, no I'm not doing this. Just give me back the three minutes of my life you wasted and we'll be cool.

2009-01-13 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Spirit provides those videos for my benefit. It's like a 'Thinking of You' card. To: [Tarkis Nethermoon]. From: [dead~spirit].

At first I thought that video was going to be a redubb like the last one because of the silence in the beginning. I figured you were just going to torture me with more fake brogues, but I guess it was just the effect of taking it out of context of the movie.

I want to go on an African safari. My new internet friend ,Emmanuel([rootrot]), invited me to Ghana. Now I could be mistaken, but I think he also offered me a wife.

2009-01-13 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Jewel      Hands

If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be that we're all OK
And not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful
And useless in times like these
I won't be made useless
I won't be idle with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear
My hands are small, I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
Poverty stole your golden shoes
It didn't steal your laughter
And heartache came to visit me
But I knew it wasn't ever after
We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There ours shall go singing
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
I am never broken
In the end only kindness matters
In the end only kindness matters
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
We are never broken
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's mind
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's heart
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's eyes
We are God's hands
We are God's hands

2009-01-13 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Christ compels you.

2009-01-13 [Diiwica]: You should take him up on that offer there tarkis LOL. on another hand

Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in order that they should see twice as much as they say.

2009-01-13 [snowwolfsa]: *sigh

2009-01-13 [The Voice of Difference]: Because it's adorable. Go watch the show, it's even more adorable, if that's possible.

And no, you can't have it, it's mine. How else do you think immortals live so long?

2009-01-14 [Diiwica]: A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors.

2009-01-14 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [The Voice of Difference] ) Oh.

Mostly it just hurt my masculinity.

2009-01-14 [Tarkis Nethermoon]:
[Diiwica] ) - And a penny saved is a penny earned.

2009-01-14 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: That pit of needles is horrible! Way to stimulate my noggin', Spirit.

A neat idea would be to put some blood infected with Hepatitis, or something even more mild, on maybe ten percent of the needles. Then put rarer, more serious strains of diseases on a lesser percentage of the needles, accumulating to a total of maybe twelve percent of the total syringes..

Which leads me to another subject. I wonder how far we could advance in a scientific field similar to what some German scientists worked on during the Holocaust. You know, a more sinister, unconventional field of study; like trying to make Frankenstein, or something. Given the fact that people had to actually consider their test subjects subhuman to even work on them, it obviously takes a lot of work to degrade your own sense of morality to a point where you can dispassionately experiment with humans. I think there's a lot of room for improvement in the field of Horrifying Human Experimentation, if only we could do away with empathy. People need to stop and consider: Do you really need to empathize with another living creature if you aren't that living creature?

I rest my case.

2009-01-14 [dead~spirit]: Spot on Tarkis!

2009-01-14 [Diiwica]: Haha i've many more thoughts like that past one.. fear not friend.

2009-01-15 [The Voice of Difference]: I would do it.

2009-01-15 [dead~spirit]: clip of the day..Damn Snowwolf you were saposed to put one up if I forgot..

2009-01-15 [Diiwica]: Before a war military science seems a real science, like astronomy; but after a war it seems more like astrology.

Haha on a side note, I go back up to Lansing Meps again on the 28th... (evil people they are I swear)

2009-01-15 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [Diiwica]) A stitch in time saves nine.

2009-01-15 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Terrible clip.

So, like, I'm thinking the experimentation of 'military science' was met with something a 'bit different from incredulity, Dewey.. Mm, yeah; I'm thinkin' disgust, horror and loathing might be closer to the mark.

2009-01-15 [dead~spirit]: why is it in human nature to be re-active instead of pro-active?

2009-01-15 [Diiwica]: Because we are animals, and born with instincts that are distinctive to our genitic code that we cannot change through learning, or conditioning.

2009-01-15 [snowwolfsa]: lol one pedophile i would just leave alone... chris hansen got in way over his head and a stupid cop

2009-01-16 [de Morte]: Here is something for you...

2009-01-16 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I think what [de Morte] is trying to say is that, as long as the girls are from the age of three to thirteen, Jewish, and you designate them as Bond Maids, it's fine to seduce them.

2009-01-16 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: FUUCK


And women.

And the dark skinned.

But mostly just Jews.

2009-01-16 [Mortified Penguin]: Töten sie die Juden!

2009-01-17 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: That motivational poster is the same format of the ones that cycle through the Armed Forces E-mails. I despise the forward funnies, normally, but they are such a cheap, easily accessed source of amusement in a place that is oh-so devoid of amusement that I watch them all before I save them..

2009-01-18 [The Voice of Difference]: Conditioning can get rid of those instincts.

2009-01-18 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: So can surgery.

2009-01-19 [The Voice of Difference]: A lobotomy!

2009-01-19 [The Voice of Difference]: See, I hate movies like that. Because honestly, I feel that all the people watching feel that way.

2009-01-20 [dead~spirit]: Recruiters..go get us more bored.

2009-01-20 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I KNOW

2009-01-20 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Voice.. That was some pretty hardcore shit. I'm proud of you.

2009-01-20 [Diiwica]: I am going to become a murder and I know who is going to be my first kill

2009-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: .....

2009-01-21 [Diiwica]: ...actually fewthings are worth throwing your life away for. And angel is not one of them. >.> though a good hit with the butt of a M60 could indeed do her justice.

2009-01-21 [Raven Song]: ....

2009-01-21 [snowwolfsa]: agreed Raven "...."

2009-01-21 [The Voice of Difference]: Wait, who?

2009-01-21 [The Voice of Difference]: And Tarkis, I love you.

2009-01-21 [Raven Song]: Thanks snowwolf haha..

2009-01-21 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: You're going to become a flock of crows?

I would like to see that.

2009-01-22 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: You see what happens when GLH doesn't satisfy my debate drive? Do you?

I take it out on little girls in no-holds-bar theological grapples, where I respond to short paragraphs of rote doctrine, like the one below, with, predictably, damn near full-length essays. Christ, I need to start knitting..

Letter number: 75594757
From: [tia mia] (U hold my dreams like winter holds spring hostage)
To: [Tarkis Nethermoon] (Edit mood)
Sent mail 2009-01-21 17:38:05
Comment to: 75594708
Comment in 75595187

I understand perfectly well what youre saying, but the thing im not sure on is you say you believe in god but youre not his friend, are you not amazed by everything hes done?
in responce to this...
"I'm asking you to put some thought into the subject. If we have free wills; if there is such a thing as sin, then blind obedience is one of the worst. Until you can make the decision to believe for yourself, your conviction, your faith, it means nothing..."
God gives us the the free will to sin, we can, if he wanted to take our free will then he would make u unable to sin, but he allows us to fall, so we can have free will to make mistakes and through them come closer to him

I've also been known to hang around the elementary playgrounds and trade witty banter with the eight-year-olds.

2009-01-23 [Diiwica]: A little learning is a dangerous thing but a lot of ignorance is just as bad.

*cough cough* I can think of a few that this should be directed to...

2009-01-23 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [Diiwica], you're too subtle for me. Just tell me straight out who you're picking a fight with.

You sound like a not-nearly as cute version of myself.

2009-01-23 [snowwolfsa]: So can i..

2009-01-23 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [snowwolfsa]) Excuse me. I didn't see you come in..

lololol omg what r u guyz talkin about????

2009-01-27 [snowwolfsa]: If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

2009-01-28 [hammersmashface]: no lord shall stand befor my self

2009-01-28 [snowwolfsa]: O_o who are you?

2009-01-28 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Some overweight fellow incapable of spelling 'before' or 'adversary.'

Welcome, Fat Ignorant Fellow; you are among brethren.

As well seek purpose as ask of the Professor.

Neat thought, Voice.

2009-01-28 [snowwolfsa]: If your referring to the gilligan comment Tarkis... that was my thought.

2009-01-28 [hammersmashface]: i spell how ever i want and ill f@k watever gernder i want...and ill damn shure remain wat ever weight i wish to be...AND i shure aint no "brethren" of you...

2009-01-29 [Mortified Penguin]: Hows about me? Is you my brethren? ...*eats ramen*...

2009-01-29 [hammersmashface]: if you share some of that ramen then hell yeah! :P...actualy i just had some (beef)

2009-01-29 [Mortified Penguin]: ...hmm... NEVER!! ...*covets ramen*...

2009-01-29 [snowwolfsa]: .....

2009-01-29 [The Voice of Difference]: That's a really big, "piss off."

2009-01-29 [snowwolfsa]: .....

2009-01-29 [Xorital]: Well I seem to come at interesting times.

2009-01-29 [de Morte]: mortified penguin and I don't get along... so I'm being quiet for a time.

2009-01-29 [dead~spirit]: People get along?

2009-01-29 [Diiwica]: Sure

2009-01-29 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Nah, Wolf; I meant Voice's video. It wasn't as good as the one before it, but I still liked it. You know what else I like?

I like you, [hammersmashface]. So Listen: I'm looking for a jaguar.

Not the car, I want the cat. Will you give me the kat, [hammersmashface]?

Not the candy but the category, [hammersmashface]. I'm looking for cat "Dee." You know; a kind of explosive.

A sort of fundamental expletive, with which I can extricate explanations from your existential (FILE YOUR TAXES)existence extrinsically without any [TOFU/Consequences] of an overbearing (sort of) expulsion.

HAHAAH. But SEERIOUSLY, Man. Seriously, [hammersmashface].

You won't remain wat ever weight u wish 2 be when I snatch-you-out-of-that-wretched-excuse-for-a-life-yer-living\take you far, faaar away/where-no-one-can-hear-your-frantic-garbled-pleas-for-help ! ! .. [hammersmashface]

Let's say I do that, alright? Just stick with me for a moment.

Hey ! Chill; just bear, with, [hammersmashface].

Let's say I take you, and let's say I lock you up. I feed you, [hammersmashface], see? I feed you, but only once a day, o'tay?

-What I'm trying to say-

Is that you'll stay whatever fucking weight I want you to stay. [hammersmashface].

And you don't get to choose your relations. Monkey.

2009-01-29 [snowwolfsa]: LMAO...

2009-01-29 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I'm sorry.. We got off on the wrong foot.

My name's Greg, [hammersmashface]. It's nice to meet you.

2009-01-29 [hammersmashface]: i done been ther my internet typist...many attempted to force me to undergo far more extream sircumstances...i still live...i survived an other languages i could careless about unforfilled (digital) threats from miles too my "worthless" life well lets just say i have more to do then trying to pick fights (or debates) or to defend my matters on those subjeckts....sooooo if your looking for a cat try getting off line...pick a fight with real ppl and see how far your pretty words get you...

as to your last comment: i accept you apology and will remain silent with verbal abuse(only for so long)...i DONT get off on feet(not my fetish)...if i had a name id care for id give it to you but theas human letters jumbled into a word mean absolutly nothing to can just call me wat every you need to inorder to get your point across 

2009-01-30 [snowwolfsa]: LMAO, wow, this wiki just attracts fucking idiots....your the Genuine article right 13thour? big ole tough guy who survived an abortion. you talk about "digital" threats from miles away. Well id like to point out, the whole bad ass tough guy routine, (from miles away) looks just as pathetic, and negates your intelligence quite a bit. lol, i think the part i laughed at the most was "theas human letters jumbled into a word mean absolutly nothing to me" must admit, i actually choked on my drink a little i was laughing so hard. PLEASE do not remain silent! I love me a good laugh from time to time.

2009-01-30 [hammersmashface]: aint trying to look tuff ,just am that way i guess...i come online to have fun and talk to ppl about commen intrest...wich aperently isnt here...maybe we should chainge the name of this wikki to just "haters" 

2009-01-30 [snowwolfsa]: haters? lol i never said i hated u, i was just stating that your comments make me laugh, and pointing out, that your tough guy act is not any better, then his digital threats. Forgive me if i do not warm up immediately to someone who jumps into a verbal bash, immediately with one of this wiki's members. by the way for future reference try opening with something better then "2009-01-28 [hammersmashface]: no lord shall stand befor my self" this wiki is much more then its name declares, as i said on my house. we actually have at least one member who is indeed Christian. I myself am agnostic at best, i dont necessarily not believe, i just do not believe the way a religion wants me to. so your comment is not necessarily in common interest with EVERYONE on this wiki, get to know the members first, otherwise, i would expect nothing less then the welcome you got. 

2009-01-30 [Mortified Penguin]: This wiki really is full of haters... The only decent place on Elftown is Bob's Diner... Not this dump. *spits on this wiki*... *mocks its members*...

2009-01-30 [snowwolfsa]: says the person who keeps coming back. Silly Mortified

2009-01-30 [Mortified Penguin]: Only to spread disease... *eats ramen*... *coughs on you*...

2009-01-30 [The Voice of Difference]: Abortions, sometimes they get away.

2009-01-30 [Mortified Penguin]: I know, right? ...I'm still looking for mine... *eats ramen*...

2009-01-30 [dead~spirit]: 13thour is the result of an abortion failure..does that mean he is a failure?

2009-01-30 [The Voice of Difference]: No, his mother's a failure. Should'a done it right, used a hanger.

2009-01-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: You make me smile.

I think my problem is that you're just intimidating, [hammersmashface]. It's not your fault. You seem to be a really bright, independent guy with a lot of good things going for you. God's honest truth, I guess.. I guess I'm just a little jealous.

I'm probably a little immature, too. Why, you're right, of course; if we were to meet in real life, I'd never dare say things like that to you. It would just end up with me getting my ass kicked, hahahahahahaha.


Thanks for being so understanding.

2009-01-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Does it frustrate you, [snowwolfsa]?

2009-01-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [de Morte], why do you not like [Mortified Penguin]? Is it because of his Pastafarian religious beliefs? CoFSM is a respectable, well-documented church.

Umm.. [Mortified Penguin], you realize how very, very few people understand the Ramen noodle thing in this place, right?

2009-01-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: So have you had a chance to try out the MEPS thing again, [Diiwica]?

2009-01-30 [The Voice of Difference]: I get the Ramen thing.

2009-01-31 [de Morte]: I get the damned ramen thing, he is just an annoying little prat who is banned from all my wikis. He likes to start a lot of arguments, which I wouldn't mind if he actually had anything significant to them... if he shows up in any of my wikis I'm just going to take screenshots and send them to some guard...

2009-01-31 [hammersmashface]: hmmm i felt my first comment was well suited for a wikki "supossably" open to religious IS called gods little haters AND the first thing you see wen entering is a banner stating the supot of a united christian "bashing"
(maybe i was wrong to start simple that comment i only ment to state: that i have no need for a cosmic good and a cosmic bad to understand the diffrence between wrong and right...i need no lord to follow to find meaning and contempt thruout my matter the situation...

AND as to "jumping into a verbal bash with one of the wikki members"...i felt that i was beeing attacked and so i defended my position as i would in any wikki or otherweise...

the term of "surviving an abortion" is simply a metaphoric phrase use to describe "overcoming the impossible"

am i a have succesfully managed to remain indipendant for years now...have i failed befor...yes thats a(unavoidable aspect of human life) 

Tarkis (couldnt tell if you wer truthfull or just talking shit) however you should ALWAYS say wat you feel to who ever you want...(im shure you do) but i didnt jsut mean me hters worse ppl out ther whould woundt take less...i know

2009-01-31 [Mortified Penguin]: ...little?! ...*is offended*... *loses interest*... *eats ramen*...

2009-01-31 [The Voice of Difference]: For those that can't read crap, he agrees.

Which, is kind of lost at this point, I think.

2009-01-31 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [hammersmashface] I know you couldn't. That's the point.

Ms. Flack, said I still want you back

Okay. I'm going to stop posting on GLH for a few. adieuadieu

2009-01-31 [dead~spirit]: No, you are a slave to this wiki Tarkis Nethermoon, you can not leave until I say so..

2009-02-01 [The Voice of Difference]: Don't leave me all alone Tarkis...

2009-02-05 [The Voice of Difference]: I leave in March, and my friend wanted to take me on a road trip to California. What's your MOS?

2009-02-06 [The Voice of Difference]: Yeah, MEPs' will do that. It's better if you know what you want, and are perfectly healthy. I went three times.

2009-02-07 [Raven Song]: True enough, if you're determined enough though Kayla, I'm sure you'll find something.

2009-02-07 [Fenier]: id love to see you finish your education hun

2009-02-11 [dead~spirit]: So...way to crash our topic...damn what was our topic surprised Tarkis hasnt posted in a few days...omg they really did take him out back and snuff him..

2009-02-11 [Raven Song]: Haha too bad...could've gotten that sponsored by pay per view.. make lots of money.

2009-02-12 [snowwolfsa]:

teach that owl to steal the poor kids tootsie roll pop

2009-02-13 [snowwolfsa]: ......

2009-02-13 [The Voice of Difference]: Yep, I'm at the second stage of that. They already locked me up, and now are trying to poison me.

2009-02-21 [hammersmashface]: ha! just as i suspected...this wiki isnt interested in debating religion..its here for idle chit chat...with out any new commers to hate on this wikkis is lost in dead conversation...

2009-02-21 [snowwolfsa]: lol i like you 13thour, your comments make me laugh. Even more so then Voice's or Mortified's.. Dead conversation, actually i would call this conversation between friends and members. Why continue to go on about religion when we have all made our points and stated what we believe? to continue would be like we are trying to force what we believe on the other person. If they don't see your side of the story the first time, why continue to try and convince them? Christians do that... and that's one of the things this wiki is against. you seem to be judging us cause we didn't debate with you, but tell me tough guy.. what does one do with "2009-01-28 [hammersmashface]: no lord shall stand befor my self" seriously... how do you expect to start off a debate with just that line... you cant, and i believe Ive stated this to you before.

2009-02-21 [hammersmashface]: right but instead of 5 people jumping on me bashing my ideas and of you could of simply asked ,disagreed ,agreed ,or any other form of coversation...instead i get attacked for a groop of friends that "claime" my entrance was "inapropiat"...why continue? well for the sake of debating...for the sake of attrackting new member to this dont have to force your ideas wen debating and their are countless topics to talk about wen it comes to religion...i know for shure no single wikki with a hand full of members have discust them all...impossible...
ok its not dead conversation but i find nothing "alive" about looks exactly the same as the "fluffy kitty" wikki or the "we love cars" wikki...just chit chat...but wen somone comes in with a topic ,regardless how simple ,they get told that it is unfitting to this not judging you cuz "you" didnt judging "you" cuz all i got was a reply that was attacking me personaly and not my comment...

how can you comment on "no lord shall stand befor my self" i dont know...if i have to tell you that ,i might as well debate my my personal experiance some great "respectful" debates have started with a sentance filled with less words...all it takes is a few words to start...i mean i didnt wanna have my first post 3 peragraphs long going every witch i started out with somthing simple and to the point...

"in god your trust = in death you fear" for the reason most ppl bealeve in god and worship him is for the fackt that they are afrade of a after life in "hell" quikly pray to him and colleckt your salvation...  

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